Art. What is the point?

By Frank Not The Artist

I cannot remember the specifics behind my painting on clothes, but I do remember why I keep it going. I have questioned the experience of visual arts such as paintings in museums for some time. Not sure if it is because in a museum I am surrounded by others, or perhaps I just enjoy the journey (sometimes), but I started to wonder how visual arts can be experienced differently.
Was a painting on the wall just it?
This was specific towards paintings on canvas, of which I still do. And here I found myself with clothings.
As a way to entertain my own creativity, because I am not sure what else to do with it, I challenge myself with how clothings are worn by different body types. All my art on clothes are done with body shapes/ types in mind. How fat in the body shapes the body, and how the apples on shirt may appear.
How muscles stretch a fabric; how the chest appears if one has broad shoulders as opposed to narrow shoulders.
There is a specificity in my artwork and how it's meant to be worn. After that, it is  a matter of the clothes finding itself worn by someone.
I have been influenced by designers of other industries such as BMW. They design their cars with motion in stillness, and I wanted to capture a similar feel with my clothings, particularly with creatures like the octopuses and vines on the underwear. It is all meant to have sense of movement whether one is moving or not. After all, clothes are meant to be worn.
That being said, the other function of me painting on clothes is its disposability, its own symbolic death. I'd hate to have to take care of artwork on canvas from a personal perspective. With clothing, it is easy to give away, throw away, maybe it'll end up in a landfill somewhere to be taken out and used for other purposes. Death in art I have seen often, but the willingness to be stoic in the disposability of the clothes itself is something I did not start to think of until now.
Clothing has that appeal to me. May be hot today, may be wack tomorrow. Like yesterday's newspaper. Or that thought you had the other day you don't care for entertaining further. I'm okay with that. My art does not need to be timeless, because it is worn for the now anyway. In a way, it reflects the current fashion industry in some ways. 
The medium itself is the message as the quote goes. And painting on clothes itself is just neat of the art itself, rather than me painting pulls symbolizing death into a shirt. Which I don't mind doing either. 
At least this is the story I tell myself to continue the production of art. Let's hope economics of scale does something for me while I am at it.​
Death is all but a moment, and that too shall pass, like my art!