I tried AI art and wow, It’s the end of the world **

I tried AI art and wow, It’s the end of the world **

** This blog title has been suggested by keyboard suggestions. Don’t ask.

 It has been a while. Life happens. Past two days I have been using DALL-E using my own artwork and requesting how I’d like it to create using my work as influence. Below are examples and my thoughts

 This one is one of my favorite renders, regarding my clothing’s paintings.

 The artwork submitted:

 DALL-E returned after guidance:

 I like this one a lot because it does come close to my own works. A lot is going on that I had to zoom in and see the weirdness commonly found in AI generated works, like the there are three draw strings and I am not sure what dark hole the third one is coming from.

 What I gain out of this one is the realistic shadows casted, which is something I am working on. You can see some depth, and I dig it. This is a good way to learn from the tool as I am not even the slightest threatened by this technology.

 It also added clouds in the background, which I thought it was a cool addition I never asked for. It took a few tries to get this final image.

 And now things get pretty cool in an overwhelming manner. As seen below:

 The artwork submitted: 

 And it hilariously burst out:

  Now sure if octopuses (Octopi for the people outside) have noses, but this one is clearly way too on one! And so we go on with my field day (or night I should say)….


 I fed it one of my paintings, now belonging to a friend of mine:

  And I gave it several requests that started with the first image and ended with the last image you see:

 Not a single clue what happened here. Look at this jolly fellah!  It looks very happy to have found an eyeball, the exact opposite of I remember the painting was about. 

 I nudged it and told it look at the skim tone!

 I saw this and thought, where does this image come From. A hint of nostalgia hits me and I remember, “oh that Tool album cover!”

 For fun, told it to draw it out like a political cartoon. Perhaps the AI and I have different takes on what is a political cartoon. If anything, looks more like a greedy businessman than a political cartoon. I wonder if it’s telling me something.

 I gave it a friendly reminder to pay attention to the organs, and this came out.

 This is where I attempted to bring out the ears, and boy did it do exactly that! Now sure why it rendered more than a single figure. It’s done that on others too.

 Told it to focus more on the mouth ears portion of it, the one’s with great dental hygiene, and I see no teeth on this one below.

 Yeaaahh….. I will simply let it exist in your head as is.

 Here’s a few others I threw in. Below is my painting:

 And told it to throw its realistic interpretations on a hoodie of the same color

 I find these fascinating. Perhaps is the contrast of the vibrant artwork on top of the beige/ off white color of the hoodie. I find pure titanium white boring. Maybe it gives me a Caribbean cocktails and seafood vibes. 

 Here’s a few more from the same artwork. The first one intrigued me because of how the papaya is cut. It has straighter edges one might not see if you see the whole fruit high on a tree:


 Viewing this as solely a tool and not a tool of biblical Armageddon demons, I have an idea of where it has space in my works. I am not shy from using today’s tech in my works, and long sense have abandoned issues of following internet topics that one might see:

  • stealing arts
  • People who cannot determine or define the difference between stealing art, being influenced by it, or hidden biases in how we approach this topic, since clearly no one knows the difference here, and nor do I claim to have one cuz I stopped caring
  • And whatever end of the world nonsense I try to not click on in real life when I meet someone at a bar
  • I feel like adding this point to avoid three bullet points statements cliches; this tool will be useful for many people who may have ideas and visions that may not be able to afford of even know any artists. And I feel this is a good thing over all. I use it for learning as I’ve mentioned above. Just don’t go and steal peoples ideas, don’t be a capitalist artist, be a communist artist! Same difference.

I am concluding with this sentence a disclaimer here:

 It’s just tech people!

 Also, since art is subjective or so that’s what “they” want you to believe , which I continue to argue “not as subjective as you think. Not exactly,” I’d like to encourage people to give tech this a go and laugh at how crazy things look when it spits things out! It might be a great source of comedy (human tragic comedy perhaps.)

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