Stumbled a bit.

Stumbled a bit.

   Past few months has been a different space in my life, so I stumbled. Once again, have to push back my goals, and for good reason this time. I need the time to fully develop my ideas, some of which I have presented in my social sites, and the rest is between my sketchbook and my head. 

   My previous overly ambitious goals were to have a collection of works done by November, where I would end up heaving another photoshoot and involved some video editing and 3D artworks in it. None of this came to fruition due to life several issues and a whole lot fo dissapointimenths, both in people and myself.

   On the good side of things, managed to get my LLC, make a few connections, gave away a few magazines of my 5 years of work so far, and as per usual, now much more now than before. I do feel like something might end up coming back to me and biting my ass at some point but only time will tell what will come of my past actions.

   And so a year I will have enough time to build up my skills sets, and get better at experimenting with creating a large volume of work. It will not help wit the content creation algorithm of things with social media which I dislike, but I will take a different approach with all that when the time comes. I will be playing around with photogrammetry which I mentioned before, and some animations to involve it in my social media ads since the is where I ca find more eye balls than in a halloween eyeball candy factory. 

   There is an entertainment aspect and interaction aspect to ads in social media so I want to pla around wth that. A lot of the apps our eyeballs are in have been adoption some sort of gamification, and this don't mean playing games with our heads and the information we are fed. I mean literally turning things into "gamified experiences" cuz life's a game and sometimes we just need to develop an experience gambling habit. Like the popular shopping places we may see today. I plan to become an object of obsession too, in theory of course. 

   So I will showcasing. few things. I have more time. Get better at the social media content stuff where I don't need to stuff so much content, but make something once in a blue that makes some sense. just to have it there ya know. Striking a balance with showing not too much to waaayyyy too much is a pant, along with the quality of the posts. Its annoying, but I'll give it a go.

   I digressed. So I stumbled a bit. I am slowly getting back into it. 

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