Painting of decapitated head with groin covered, muddy green colors used.

An Amateur's Intro to Art Business

This all to say that my bubble of artist's true life has been burst faster than a pimple.

    I have heard a lot that the experiences of people are far more valuable than a person's theories or words about a certain subject, that a business' experience are far more valuable than a business degree.

    That a hoodlum from the hood I come from can say more to how to fight than someone who knows everything about fighting but never stepped into a ring.

    Or as I'd argue and failed to make my point every time due to definitions, individual who picks up the brush is of more value than the art philosophers. I do not know about the formers, but I will make the case for the latter statement and I don't give a damn who challenges me.

    This all to say that my bubble of artist's true life has been burst faster than a pimple. I used to believe so hard in what I call artist myth, these communist artist of the era of the Cuban missile crisis, the USSR, Frida Kahlo, etc etc. Highly respectable names, and I do have respect for all the knowledge gained and still to be gained from the aforementioned names.

    Then came this man named Warhol, who in my eyes brought was production into the arts with his prints. It is the latter that we use from a practical point of view with stories/ myth/ image of the former paragraph that I see artists of today. This is to say that I've ended up caring a lot more about the underpinnings of artist, their intentions, their ideas, and most important fo all, how exactly they got their asses into the position they got. I mean the following with this statement:

  • the networkings aspects
  • who spoke to whom to get to where they are now
  • who knows who's, who let them get attention to their works
  • who fucked who to get to where they are now, an extremely valid question to ask
  • who fucked over whom to get to where they are now, another important question to ask

    In general what were the business aspects of the art that a lot fo us who are in the create spaces have to manage along with our arts, and what we now collectively call "A Brand," because we all compete to get attention. Looking at you big brand names!

    The more I learned, the more the bubble of stories we share of artist burst. So when I speak of arts, I speak with technicalities, with very specific questions of what they did, and how it got there. Fuck the stories. Anyone can sell you the story, It's what marketing is there for. I care about what is underneath that benefits me and those who I engage with. 

    This ain't gon be a blog post, and those that follows, of how the Art Was Made  because that is the easy part. I will be posting occasionally, maybe for the algorithms, maybe to help you remember who I am, or really the story I am selling you, with the details of what I am really doing here. Because it maters, to the artists. If you want the fables, the stories, please feel free to remain at the products page, and care to read about my artist statement so that you can understand the technical gears inside Frank Not The Artist.

    Included in the posts are my failures, how I view markets of artists, the needy greedy technical stuff from search engine optimization, to wha competition really looks likes, to me and are others. 

    I think this blog post is necessary for some of us who may have ourselves peeling a painting to see how the oils seeped through the canvas. The success of my ideas carry with them failures from others and myself, the lessons I learned personally, and not driving nails up my ass because I am not getting far and it just takes times to et somewhere (Not my kink, but it does feel like I am getting nowhere a lot.)

    I'll try to add some of my feelings to information I gain and used, because sometimes, trying to sell a store so hard for the algorithms can be demeaning to my artistic expression, as I have found several times. 

I'd leave you with a point: if you wanna know hat art is, ask an art philosopher, don't ask me. I get it wrong so many times that I don't bother expelling art, but I sure as hell wile explain to you how I got to where I am not.

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