What is the point of art? An engineer does not have an answer, but a therapist might.

What is the point of art? An engineer does not have an answer, but a therapist might.

    I absolutely do not need to apply an answer to this, I found out years ago.

    When I started out, I was not taking myself seriously, hence my pessimistic take on the art world. The name comes from that ingrained feeling that art is kind useless, kinda useful, depending on the observer. It always feels like it's on the observer, or observers virtual wallet size.

     It is at this point that I think art should be defined. Here again, I fail you to provide a definition. Well, there is what comes up when looking for a definition:

"the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power."

     Cool definition. Does nothing for me. I often talk about art from the observer because while people can say art is subjective; those who ask if someone making a table art is the table considered art? Or is painting useful? is a architect an artist? You know what people don't be sayin when they welcome people to one's house,

"Hey ya'll! Welcome to my art!" 
"You can walk right through the art and if you need the bathroom, just walk down there and shit on my art!"
"I cannot wait to pound you next to a replica of the Mona Lisa!!

    So clearly there is a function of art in society and we decided what is art and isn't art. Really throws a clavicle at those who say all art is subjective base don the language surrounding any form of creation. Throw our religious and birthing puns here!

    So this leaves me with what else is left that we call art and artist? Part of it comes down to marketing. When there is not a concrete science behind an activity, it becomes a book with the prefix "the art of (place your activity here)" followed by credentials and testimonials. Is it still art then?

    Then there is the myth of an artist. This is something I'd like to write about later on, but it comes down to how a society art a given time views its artists and what images the population imposes on the artist. 

    So it is with all this in mind, that once my "idea of an artist" was broken, it became more mechanics underneath. After going through the toy, the narrative, of say Francis Bacon, you gon see painting techniques, self destruction (I also destroyed my own art pieces), a human that bleeds like everyone else. With all this in mind, it is hard to believe in stories of artists, and I end up seeking facts of the artist. You know the uninteresting shit we may not wanna hear from artists.

    Which brings me to asking, what is the point of art, or the artist? I have absolutely no answer to this and do not care for it because at the end of the day Except that as Jay Electronica once stated, we do not ask birds why does it fly. It simply flies. And I simply make stuff with my hands.

     I reverse engineer stories, and my own arts and other's arts. It is how my curiosity plays out. Cannot help myself but to know or wanna know, even if it not applicable to my own existence or skills. So you see, I have no stories behind my art other than what I have laid out before you already, if your ass has made it down to this sentence that is. 

    I do not think people want to hear this shit, so I don't say it. Back tot he observer point fo view. If it fits your ow perspective, ad you see soemthing in my arts that I did not intend, it is simply that. I do not argue nor do I like to explain the symbolic aspects of my art. use techniques and processes of it. I leave meaning and symbols to those who which to seek those in others, that being in art or in people.

     I don't feel I owe an explanation to anyone either. Perhaps that is some egotistical, artsy, presumptuous shit from someone who calls himself not the artist. After all, the way I think about the art is always technical. How to add this to that. Maybe subtract this. Maybe multiply this to something so it fits on clothes. Just need divide by 0 cuz now we're back to art is pretty undefined. I'll let the observer tell me.

    I suppose all of this is an exercise of existential art therapy for me. I still don't have answers for most of life's things, including art. It simply is what it is. Enjoy the music for what it is if you will. Let my art penetrate your eyeballs, ideas thrust itself through your skull like Señor Male porn star deep throating 'an impossible to keep up standard', and sit in your head. Or not. I still hav eyes to figure out how to make the blind see my visual arts.

    So I suppose to sound super smart about art, I need to leave you guys with a question, one that is not so self deprecating.

    I have none. I am just hoping to get a point across because marketing is necessary and I struggle to play the ever generating content game to gain your attention. It leaves wondering exactly what is it I am offering you.

So tell me, do you understand what I am getting at here?

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