New technologies

New technologies

   I have great ambitions in how I want my art to be shown virtually and what I'd like to bring out more of my works than being merely paintings. By ambitions I mean want to deal with extracting more of my current works in different formats than just it being a painted piece of clothing.

   Lately I have been playing with photogrammetry and apps like Scaniverse, Polycam RealityScan. As it stands with my computing power and memory in my laptop, I can only use the these apps. It is limited but it is workable. Things I cannot fix at the moment are the fractures you may see on the head for example. It seems lighting is very import and one of the ways I want to fix the rendering is strategically putting lights in a way I can scan my artworks better. There are solutions and workarounds. The above picture here you can see the hair wasn't captured as well. 

   I intend to use these scans as a way to show 360 degrees of video for how my works look on what I call regular ass people. Being regular is important.

   Other technologies I am learning now is Unity game engine, Blender for animation, and Nomad Sculpt. While it may not seem obvious why I am learning these now, in the upcoming months I will be displaying the use cases with my artworks. It is my way of extracting more of my painted works by creating motion and space, in virtual spaces, to build up on what I am creating now. It may fail, but I am willing to give it a go. At least I'll learn some things along the way.

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