More Tech Stuff!

More Tech Stuff!

Let me see if I can explain any of this in an entertaining manner and clearly. You know, since I am not sure what I am doing!

Warning: I tried to reduce the run-on sentences but who can really stop verbal diarrhea at 4 in the morning anyway!

   Thus far, as I am learning all kinds of things, like Unity game engine, Shopify and it's APIs, C# cuz Unity engine and later Augmented Reality play, and still improving drawing and painting skills, and to commit the crime of a run-on sentence like I can survive without inhaling, I find myself sometimes digress, just a tad. So when I digress, as I did the last three weeks, I decided to pivot back harder by just creating the base template, a version one if you will, of how I want a virtual space of my works to look. 

   Pain in the ass it is jumping form tab to tab, article to article to understand a few things that would be helped if I stop skipping around fundamental programming knowledge, and challenge a cat's curiosity level in the process, I managed to focus and start giving the "game" if you will viewer controllers and just barebones of past and current works. I already have in mind what a version 2 would look like. By the time I get there, I will have to create two projects, one for the website, which will be a web-based application that can be accessible to anyone. The other is more connected to metaverse stuff that I am still learning about.

   Lighting will be a challenge inside this virtual space, mainly because I am using spotlights instead just one bright light that will reveal all in the shadows. Like Jesus or whatever. You can view the image above. Spinning wacky stuff, where each mannequin and human scan rotates not on its own axis, but something else. Heck, even the material, trying to add marbling texture to my 3D sculpts because I failed several times to add the original sculpts, with color! Included a video in it too, ad images on walls. Those will be replaced with actual paintings later down the line. Can't complain, it's a start.

   Some exciting things to come! Once implemented, I want each art piece (object in Unity) to be rendered thought your phones, as I may have mentioned before, most phones' camera have the capability to vomit stuff out into the real world in an augmented reality way. Makes it easy to view it like Ikea furniture, or have the designs come alive in some way (animation is another skill in the list. So is digital sculpting.) It is at this point I might scream I am really a tech guy and not an artist. Kinda like Michaelangelo screaming "he ain't a like painter. He's a sculptor." Same thing with me I suppose.

   Anyways, off to the next joint in my mental to-do list since I hate writing down stuff. 

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